Examinations, certificates and duplicates

Examinations and certificates

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The academic achievements you have completed are listed on your transcript of records. Students can download and print their transcript of records via u:space.

As a student of the University of Vienna, you have access to the u:print printers of the ZID. Students receive a credit of 20 pages each semester to print out student documents for free.  

All of your completed examinations and associated curriculum items are listed in the record of examinations. If an exam is assigned incorrectly, you can reassign it within the record of examinations yourself. If you cannot reassign an examination yourself, please contact the responsible StudiesServiceUnit.

General information about "T" as in "transcript of records" and  "R" as in "record of examinations" can be found in the ABC of terminology provided by the service unit Teaching Affairs and Student Services.


For all notices and documents issued by the StudiesServiceCenter, you can submit an application for a duplicate.

You have to file a loss report in order to receive a duplicate.

For further information, please contact the StudiesServiceCenter.