Master's thesis

Please note:

From 05.03.2024, the digital version of the academic thesis has to be submitted via u:space.

The submission procedure still consists of three steps and includes the upload to u:space, the submission of the signed upload confirmation by e-mail and the submission of the two printed copies.

General Information

(c) University of Vienna

The master's thesis is an academic thesis that must be written independently and that has to be embedded theoretically and methodologically in the chosen subject.

For a detailed overview of all the steps relating to your master's thesis, please visit our page Graduation: step by step.

Please observe the regulations relating to good academic practice when writing your master’s thesis.

CAUTION! Please note the data protection regulations!

For reasons of data protection (applicable since 1 October 2015), please DO NOT include a CV, an affidavit, or any personal information (e-mail, phone number etc.) in your master's thesis!



If you have any questions, please contact us via e-mail at:
You can reach us via telephone under: +43-1-4277/48204 or +43-1-4277/49194.

 The submission of the master's thesis consists of three steps!

In order to upload your master's thesis to u:space and submit it to the SSC, the topic of your thesis and your supervisor(s) has to be registered with your StudiesServiceUnit. 

1. Online Submission of master's thesis

The master's thesis is submitted online via u:space.

To ensure that your title page is correct in terms of form and content, u:space creates it automatically from your data during the submission process. Download the title page and add it to your thesis. 
Please do not use a title page you have created yourself in advance.

2. Submission of the digital version of master's thesis to the SSC

After you have uploaded your master's thesis to u:space, please send the following completed AND signed form to:

  • A signed confirmation that the master's thesis was successfully uploaded to the plagiarism server ("Hochladebestätigung").
    (You will recieve the upload confirmation during the last step of the upload process in u:space)

After receiving this form, the SSC will forward your uploaded master's thesis to your supervisor(s).

3. Submission of the print version of the master's thesis

Please send us two hardbound copies (printed double-sided) of your master’s thesis after uploading it to u:space so that they can be forwarded to the Vienna University Library. You can either send your thesis by post or deposit it at the porter’s desk at the NIG.

Send the hardbound version ONLY from Austria or other EU countries. When shipping from non-EU countries, high customs duties are incurred, which must be paid by you. In this case, use the option of bind the thesis in Austria (e.g. facultas Bindeservice or Lehrmittelstelle) and have it delivered directly to the SSC. 

Following the positive assessment of the master’s thesis (and the completion of all required courses), you can complete the final examination (public defence). Please register for the public defence at your StudiesServiceUnit.

Following the public defence, please inform your StudiesServiceUnit about the completion of your studies.

Please note

Formal Requirements

  • Every thesis must contain a German abstract of at least 500 characters (including spaces/blank characters). The abstract is a brief summary of the central points of your thesis. Optionally, you can also include an English abstract. 

  • If your whole thesis is written in English, it must contain an English abstract.
  • Printing: Pages have to be printed on both sides, hardbound (free choice of colour, embossing optional)