
Completion of Studies

(c) Universität Wien

You can submit your completion of studies via u:space. There, under the menu item "Graduation from a bachelor’s programme", you will find detailed information on the procedure.

You can find additional information on the website of your StudiesServiceUnit:

You will only see the possible dates for the graduation ceremony in u:space after you have received your graduation documents (after they have become legally binding). Only then will you be able to register for the ceremony.

Submission Procedure

You can submit your completion of studies via u:space. You can find all the necessary information there.

First, check whether all examinations have been correctly assigned in the record of examinations in u:space. If necessary, you can correct the assignment yourself in u:space. If you encounter any problems, please contact your responsible StudiesServiceUnit.

Once your graduation has been calculated, you will receive an email with the subject "Information: Ihre Abschlussleistung wurde eingetragen/Your final exam has been entered". A link to the graduation form will then appear in u:space under the menu item "Graduation from a bachelor’s programme".

Please also check whether your personal data in u:space has been entered correctly before you submit your graduation.

During the submission procedure in u:space you will receive a request to complete a form for Statistik Austria ( Please complete the online form, submit it and download the PDF-confirmation. You then have to upload the confirmation within the digital graduation form.

Digital Graduation Documents

We currently only issue digital graduation documents, which we send to you by e-mail. These include an official electronic signature and can therefore also be submitted as originals to public authorities and other organisations.

You will then receive ALL graduation documents by e-mail (i.e. you do not need to collect any further documents):

  • official notice of degree award
  • degree certificate
  • Diploma Supplement (with grade point average)

Application for additional hand-signed documents

If you require additional hand-signed documents (e.g. for applications abroad), you are welcome to submit an application by e-mail to
It can take up to six weeks to issue these documents. You will be contacted by e-mail as soon as the documents are ready for collection.

Master's Programme

Are you interested in a master's programme in the Social Sciences at the University of Vienna after completing your bachelor's degree?

You can find general information about the master's programmes offered at the Faculty of Social Sciences as well as the admission procedure on our page about the Social Science master's programmes and in the Master Access Guide of the University of Vienna.

Please enquire in advance about the current application and admission deadlines.