Social science bachelor's programmes

The Faculty of Social Sciences offers four bachelor's programmes:

Journalism and Communication Studies

The students receive

  • basic knowledge of the processes of individual and mass communication as well as the structure and organisation of media
  • knowledge on how communication processes are analysed and designed 

General information about the programme can be found in the programme profile of the bachelor’s programme in Journalism and Communication Studies on the website of the Teaching Affairs and Student Services unit.

You can find detailed information about the bachelor’s programme in Journalism and Communication Studies on the website of the StudiesServiceUnit for Journalism and Communication Studies (in German).

Political Science

Students acquire

  • sound knowledge of the fundamentals, key areas and methods of political science
  • the ability to systematically and critically analyse political processes, institutions and organisations and to analyse the implementation of political decisions
  • communicative and social skills, including the ability to work independently and in a team as well as to work on problems in a goal-oriented and long-term manner

General information about the programme can be found in the programme profile of the bachelor’s programme in Political Science on the Teaching Affairs and Student Services unit website.

You can find detailed information about the bachelor’s programme in Political Science on the website of the StudiesServiceUnit for Political Science (in German).

Social and Cultural Anthropology

The students

  • acquire broad and solid knowledge of the general key areas of Social and Cultural Anthropology
  • are able to work independently and in teams to address intercultural problems theoretically and practically and to apply them in specific situations

General information about the programme can be found in the programme profile of the bachelor’s programme in Social and Cultural Anthropology on the Teaching Affairs and Student Services unit website.

You can find detailed information about the bachelor’s programme in Social and Cultural Anthropology on the website of the StudiesServiceUnit for Social and Cultural Anthropology (in German).


Students acquire knowledge about  

  • the structure and dynamics of contemporary society
  • central terms, concepts and theories of sociology
  • the application of sociological findings
  • basic methods of qualitative and quantitative empirical social research
  • preparation of economically and politically relevant expertises and planning guidelines

General information about the programme can be found in the programme profile of the bachelor’s programme in Sociology on the Teaching Affairs and Student Services unit website.

You can find detailed information about the bachelor’s programme in Sociology on the website of the StudiesServiceUnit for Sociology.