Social science master's programmes

The departments at the Faculty of Social Sciences offer a range of different master’s programmes in German and English. On this page, you will find brief descriptions of the individual master’s programmes.

Communication Science

The aim of the English-language master’s programme in Communication Science at the University of Vienna is to provide students with the necessary competences to conduct research on current, socially relevant research questions in the field of communication science at an internationally transferable level and using state-of-the-art research methods.  In addition, they are able to operate internationally as decision-makers in the field of communication, especially in private research. The master’s programme focuses on the contexts, contents and impact/consequences of communication processes on the micro, meso and macro level. Students of the master’s programme must provide evidence of English language proficiency corresponding to level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

General information about the programme can be found in the programme profile of the master’s programme in Communication Science on the Teaching Affairs and Student Services website.

You can find detailed information about the master’s programme in Communication Science on the website of the Communication Science programme.

CREOLE - Cultural Differences and Transnational Processes

The joint master's programme in Cultural Differences and Transnational Processes (CREOLE) aims to provide students with a profound understanding of the connections between local life-worlds and transnational, as well as global social and cultural processes. On the basis of theories and practical examples, students receive an intensive and specialised education in three subject areas: a) new identities; b) material culture and consumption; c) visual culture. These subject areas are covered with regard to transnational processes, cultural diversity/difference as well as new community constructions.

General information about the programme can be found in the programme profile of the CREOLE master’s programme on the website of the Teaching Affairs and Student Services Unit.

You can find detailed information about the CREOLE master’s programme on the website of the StudiesServiceUnit for Cultural and Social Anthropology.

Development Studies

The research-oriented and transdisciplinary master's programme in Development Studies at the University of Vienna aims to impart knowledge of content, theories and methods that are relevant for a critical examination and analysis of institutions, actors, practices and concepts in the field of development studies and development cooperation as well as to enable their classification in a larger historical, political, economic, cultural and social context.

General information about the programme can be found in the programme profile of the master's programme in Development Studies on the Teaching Affairs and Student Services unit website.

You can find detailed information about the master’s programme in Development Studies on the website of the Department of Development Studies.

Gender Studies

The master’s programme in Gender Studies at the University of Vienna aims at imparting knowledge of the historical and current influences of gender constructions in research and society. Interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity are fundamental principles of gender studies and enable the transfer of methods and epistemes as well as the integration of different research cultures and traditions in the entire spectrum of approaches within gender studies.

General information about the programme can be found in the programme profile of the master’s programme in Gender Studies on the Teaching Affairs and Student Services unit website.

You can find detailed information about the master’s programme in Gender Studies on the website of the Gender research office.

Global Demography

The principal aim of the master’s programme in Global Demography at the University of Vienna is to give students a strong scientific grounding in the analysis and forecasting of demographic developments across the globe – in particular, fertility, mortality and migration trends. Guided by leading experts in the field, students will be given the opportunity to explore the multidimensional ramifications and implications of demographic change on economic, social, and environmental issues. Students of the master’s programme must provide evidence of English language proficiency corresponding to level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

General information about the programme can be found in the programme profile of the master’s programme in Global Demography on the Teaching Affairs and Student Services website.

You can find detailed information about the master’s programme in Global Demography on the website of the Department of Demography

Journalism and Communication Studies

The master’s programme in Journalism and Communication Science aims at expanding and complementing students’ academic education acquired during the bachelor’s programme. In particular, students acquire the necessary skills to address research questions independently and in accordance with content-related and methodological standards within the framework of their master's thesis. Furthermore, graduates of the master’s programme in Journalism and Communication Studies are qualified to work in executive positions in the field of communication.

General information about the programme can be found in the programme profile of the master’s programme in Journalism and Communication Studies on the website of the Teaching Affairs and Student Services unit.

You can find detailed information about the master’s programme in Journalism and Communication Studies on the website of the StudiesServiceUnit for Journalism and Communication Studies.

Nursing Science

The master’s programme in Nursing Science at the University of Vienna was established in the winter semester of 2011. It aims at deepening and expanding students’ knowledge of the subject-specific and research methodology acquired in a bachelor’s programme in Nursing Science or in a related bachelor's programme. The programme aims to enable graduates to independently plan, organise, carry out and evaluate research projects in the field of nursing science as well as projects that aim to implement research results. Beyond the narrower research context, students acquire comprehensive expertise that qualifies them to work in other academic fields of nursing science as well.

General information about the programme can be found in the programme profile of the master's programme in Nursing Science on the Teaching Affairs and Student Services unit website.

You can find detailed information about the master’s programme in Nursing Science on the website of the Department of Nursing Science.

Political Science

The master’s programme in Political Science aims to equip students with in-depth specialist knowledge and the ability to independently work on political science issues. Students acquire competences in methodical problem solving and have the opportunity to specialise in selected subject areas.

General information about the programme can be found in the programme profile of the master’s programme in Political Science on the Teaching Affairs and Student Services unit website.

You can find detailed information about the master’s programme in Political Science on the website of the StudiesServiceUnit for Political Science.


Understanding the complex relationships between science, technology and society is an almost indispensable skill in today's world. The master’s programme in Science-Technology-Society offers the opportunity to acquire in-depth knowledge in this area.

General information about the programme can be found in the programme profile of the master’s programme in Science-Technology-Society on the Teaching Affairs and Student Services unit website.

You can find detailed information about the master’s programme in Science-Technology-Society on the website of the Department of Science and Technology Studies.

Social and Cultural Anthropology

The master’s programme in Social and Cultural Anthropology aims at expanding and complementing students’ academic competences. Graduates of the master’s programme in Social and Cultural Anthropology are qualified to develop and carry out research projects independently or in teams, and to work in a wide range of occupational fields that deal with the reception, analysis, preparation, presentation and implementation of research results.

General information about the programme can be found in the programme profile of the master’s programme in Social and Cultural Anthropology on the Teaching Affairs and Student Services unit website.

You can find detailed information about the master’s programme in Social and Cultural Anthropology on the website of the StudiesServiceUnit for Social and Cultural Anthropology.


The master’s programme in Sociology emphasises the responsibility of research towards society, especially regarding the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, the freedom of science and teaching, the freedom of learning, the variety of academic doctrines and methods, and the connection between research and teaching. The master’s programme promotes equal treatment of people of all types of sexual orientation, religious, social and ethnic origin as well as the integration of people with special needs. Moreover, it aims to raise awareness of issues of gender relations.

General information about the programme can be found in the programme profile of the master’s programme in Sociology on the Teaching Affairs and Student Services unit website.

You can find detailed information about the master’s programme in Sociology on the website of the StudiesServiceUnit for Sociology.