
Nostrification is the recognition of a foreign university degree as equivalent to an Austrian university degree programme. This equivalence also applies to the rights and obligations arising from this (e.g. use of the academic title, authorisation to practise the profession, etc.).

Taking into account the curriculum that is in place at the University of Vienna at the time of the application, it will be checked whether the foreign degree programme is equivalent in terms of the outcome of the overall education. The decisive criteria for this assessment are the content, scope and requirements of the Austrian degree programme for which equivalence is being applied for.

Detailed information on nostrification can be found on the website of the Office of the Studienpräses.

First contact for studies at the University of Vienna

Claudia Fritz-Larott
Office of the Studienpräses
University of Vienna
1010 Vienna, Universitätsring 1
Tel.: + 43- 1-4277-12154
Fax: +43-1-4277-12159

  • General information, advice and counselling on nostrification issues
  • Information on the individual steps of the nostrification procedure
  • Support for filing your application

Please contact Ms. Fritz-Larott by telephone or e-mail before filing your application.